来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 02:42:45
我有以下几段"JANE EYRE"中的原文,我是在网上看到的,烦请有此原文书的朋友帮忙提供以下英文的具体出处.请列名此书作者;此话出于第几张第几页,此本书的出版社.我要在论文中列出NOTES.谢谢了,急!
原文如下:She accused his cousin “wicked and cruel boy! You are like a murderer—you are like a slave—driver—you are like the Roman emperors.”
2.she dared to scold her aunt “I do not deceive people! if I told lies, I would say I loved you! but I don't, I hate you! I will never call you aunt again as long as I live.”
3.“I will never come to see you when I am grown up; and if anyone asks me what I think of you, and what you have done to me ,I will say the very thought of you makes me sick, and you treats me cruelly.’
4.Jane says “If you won’t let me live with you, I can build a house of my own close up to your door, and you may come and sit in my parlor when you want company of an evening”5
5.“for sham! for Sham! What shocking conduct, Miss Eyre, to strike young master.” Jane is surprised to say “Master! How is he my master? Am I a servant?”
6.“if I

她指责他的表妹“邪恶和残忍的孩子!你像一个杀人犯,你就像一个奴隶司机你像罗马的皇帝。 “

2.she不敢骂她的姑姑说: “我不骗人!如果我说假话,我想说我爱你!但我不,我恨你!我永远不会再打电话给你姑姑,只要我还活着。 “

3 。 “我永远不会来找你当我长大了,如果有人问我,我怎么想你,和你做了什么给我,我会说,一想到你,我生病了,和你对待我残酷。

4.Jane说, “如果你不让我活你的,我可以盖房子,我自己关闭了您的门,你可能会坐在我的客厅当您想要公司的一个晚上” 5

5 。 “深水!深水!什么令人震惊的行为,爱小姐,罢工少爷。 “简是惊讶地说: ”主!如何是他我的主人?我是一个仆人? “

6 。 “如果我有,但前景一天把罗切斯特先生的加入财富,我可以更好地忍受须备存的他。 ” 7 。 “然后你就不会知道我,先生,我将没有您的简爱不再,但猿在丑角的外套给杰伊在借来的火舌。我想尽快看到你,罗切斯特先生,欺骗了舞台服饰,因为我穿着法院夫人长袍;和我不叫你英俊,主席先生,虽然我爱你最高昂的代价:过于高昂的代价来奉承你。不要奉承我。 “

11 。 “简,你愿意嫁给我吗?







多数真正的,先生。 “